Microsoft Office

Welcome to our committed page for Microsoft Office Courses at Online Quran Foundation! Raise your computerized abilities with our particular program intended for those anxious to dominate the fundamental instruments of Microsoft Office. Investigate the universe of "Microsoft Office Courses" and set out on a groundbreaking excursion of learning through our exhaustive "Microsoft Office Training." At Online Quran Foundation, we perceive the significance of capability in Microsoft Office apparatuses for different scholar and expert pursuits. Our master educators give organized examples, assisting students of all levels with getting a handle on the intricate details of Microsoft Word, Succeed, PowerPoint, and that's just the beginning. The "Microsoft Office Courses" offer an adaptable and helpful method for upgrading your efficiency and productivity in the present computerized scene. Whether you are an understudy, proficient, or somebody hoping to support their computer abilities, our easy to understand stage guarantees a connecting learning experience.

Key Highlights:

1.Comprehensive Training: Investigate top to bottom Microsoft Office Courses covering Word, Succeed, PowerPoint, and more.

2.Expert Educators: Gain from talented educators giving clear experiences and viable guidance.

3.Flexible Learning Stage: Access an easy to understand stage offering adaptability for novices and progressed users.

4.Interactive Learning: Submerge in an intelligent learning venture, acquiring active involvement in Microsoft Office tools.

5.Personalized Direction and Educational program: Benefit from customized direction and an educational program intended for individual learning needs.

For a holistic learning experience, don't forget to explore our Home Page to learn more about our Online Quran Foundation and discover how you can conveniently Learn Quran Online with us.
microsoft office courses

Flexible & affordable pricing for all!

We usually charge the following rates, but we are willing to negotiate. If this price isn't right for you, don't hesitate to share your respected price.

Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $31.75 / Month $50.71 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $38.10 / Month $69.72 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $44.45 / Month $95.08 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee GBP (Quran Learning) Fee GBP (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month £25 / Month £40 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month £30 / Month £55 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month £35 / Month £75 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $48.25 / Month $77.07 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $57.90 / Month $105.97 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $67.55 / Month $144.50 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 /Month $42.85 / Month $68.35 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 /Month $51.41 / Month $93.98 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month $60 / Month $128.15 / Month