
Welcome to our committed page for the Online Chemistry Course at Online Quran Foundation! Drench yourself in the enrapturing universe of chemistry with our particular program intended for those anxious to investigate and learn. Find the domain of "Online Chemistry Course" and set out on a groundbreaking excursion of figuring out through our exhaustive "Learn Chemistry Online" classes. At Online Quran Foundation, we grasp the significance of a strong foundation in chemistry for scholarly and scholarly development. Our master teachers give organized examples covering different science ideas, from foundational standards to cutting edge points. The "Online Chemistry Course" offers an adaptable and helpful method for diving into the complexities of this captivating science.

Key Highlights:

1.Expert Educators: Gain from experienced teachers with a profound comprehension of Chemistry concepts.

2.Comprehensive Educational plan: Investigate a very much organized educational plan covering foundational standards and progressed topics.

3.Interactive Learning: Participate in intuitive online classes for a dynamic and participatory learning experience.

4.Flexible Planning: Partake in the adaptability of learning at your own speed and convenience.

5.Personalized Direction: Get customized direction to take care of individual advancing necessities and guarantee an extensive comprehension of chemistry.

Online Chemistry Course

Flexible & affordable pricing for all!

We usually charge the following rates, but we are willing to negotiate. If this price isn't right for you, don't hesitate to share your respected price.

Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $31.75 / Month $50.71 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $38.10 / Month $69.72 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $44.45 / Month $95.08 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee GBP (Quran Learning) Fee GBP (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month £25 / Month £40 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month £30 / Month £55 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month £35 / Month £75 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $48.25 / Month $77.07 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $57.90 / Month $105.97 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $67.55 / Month $144.50 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 /Month $42.85 / Month $68.35 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 /Month $51.41 / Month $93.98 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month $60 / Month $128.15 / Month