Computer Science

Welcome to our commited page for Computer Science at Online Quran Foundation! Soak yourself in the remarkable area of development with our particular "Computer Science Course." Expected for understudies, things being what they are, our finished program offers a coordinated method for managing overwhelming key thoughts. Examine coding tongues, estimations, and more as you set out on a momentous journey of learning. Whether you are a beginner or attempting to expand how you could decipher computer science, our experienced instructors give clear pieces of information and sensible bearing. Our Computer Science course cover an extent of focuses, empowering involved understanding through wise models and genuine endeavors. At Online Quran Foundation, we reliably blend advancement training with ordinary Quranic learning. Research our courses and entrances to a vast expanse of possibilities. Select now and leave on a mastering adventure that unites expertise, knowledge, and a thorough informational experience.

computer science course

Flexible & affordable pricing for all!

We usually charge the following rates, but we are willing to negotiate. If this price isn't right for you, don't hesitate to share your respected price.

Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $31.75 / Month $50.71 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $38.10 / Month $69.72 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $44.45 / Month $95.08 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee GBP (Quran Learning) Fee GBP (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month £25 / Month £40 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month £30 / Month £55 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month £35 / Month £75 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $48.25 / Month $77.07 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $57.90 / Month $105.97 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $67.55 / Month $144.50 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 /Month $42.85 / Month $68.35 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 /Month $51.41 / Month $93.98 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month $60 / Month $128.15 / Month