Information Technology (IT)

Welcome to our Information Technology Course at Online Quran Foundation! Jump into the immense universe of technology with our particular program intended for students, everything being equal. Our "Information Technology Course" offers a complete investigation of IT ideas, from systems administration to online protection. Whether you are a fledgling or looking for cutting edge information, our master educators give clear bits of knowledge and reasonable direction. "Learn Information Technology Online" with intuitive illustrations, active activities, and genuine applications. At Online Quran Foundation, we consistently coordinate technology instruction with Quranic learning. Associate with our worldwide local area, investigate our online Quran Foundation, and find the advancing experience of Online Quran Classes. Drench yourself in the realm of information, where IT and Quranic lessons join. Select now to open a comprehensive learning venture that joins mastery, intuitiveness, and a significant instructive experience.

information technology course

Flexible & affordable pricing for all!

We usually charge the following rates, but we are willing to negotiate. If this price isn't right for you, don't hesitate to share your respected price.

Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $31.75 / Month $50.71 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $38.10 / Month $69.72 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $44.45 / Month $95.08 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee GBP (Quran Learning) Fee GBP (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month £25 / Month £40 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month £30 / Month £55 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month £35 / Month £75 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $48.25 / Month $77.07 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $57.90 / Month $105.97 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $67.55 / Month $144.50 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 /Month $42.85 / Month $68.35 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 /Month $51.41 / Month $93.98 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month $60 / Month $128.15 / Month