App Development

Welcome to our devoted page for App Development Courses at Online Quran Foundation! Plunge into the domain of app creation with our particular "App Development Course." Whether you're a fledgling or experienced coder, our far reaching program gives an organized approach to dominating portable app development. "Learn App Development" with master teachers directing you through the complexities of app creation, from plan to organization. Our courses cover a scope of stages, including Android and iOS, offering involved insight through intelligent examples and certifiable ventures. At Online Quran Foundation, we flawlessly coordinate technology instruction with customary Quranic learning. Associate with our worldwide local area, investigate our Online Quran Foundation, and find the improving experience of Quran Online classes. Enlist now to open the capability of app development and set out on an extraordinary learning venture, consolidating technology mastery and Quranic lessons for an extensive instructive experience.

app development course

Flexible & affordable pricing for all!

We usually charge the following rates, but we are willing to negotiate. If this price isn't right for you, don't hesitate to share your respected price.

Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $31.75 / Month $50.71 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $38.10 / Month $69.72 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $44.45 / Month $95.08 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee GBP (Quran Learning) Fee GBP (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month £25 / Month £40 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month £30 / Month £55 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month £35 / Month £75 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 / Month $48.25 / Month $77.07 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 / Month $57.90 / Month $105.97 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 / Month $67.55 / Month $144.50 / Month
Schedule / Week Classes per Month Fee USD (Quran Learning) Fee USD (Other Courses)
Weekend Classes 08 /Month $42.85 / Month $68.35 / Month
3 Days in a Week 12 /Month $51.41 / Month $93.98 / Month
5 Days in a Week 20 /Month $60 / Month $128.15 / Month